Sunday, March 28
6:49 pm

walkin' and a-wheelin'

you'd think a midnight romp in sentosa would be fun, wouldn't you? well, you'd be wrong. because sometimes, midnight romps in sentosa can be downright boring, filled with aimless walking and invisible bugs, loud nervous laughter and little hokkien speaking school children (said senior citizen lee) mistaking you for ghosts.

you'd think a downright boring midnight romp in sentosa would have a point at least, wouldn't you? well, you're 0 for 2 so far. because sometimes, downright boring midnight romps in sentosa can be absofuckinlutely pointless, filled with aimless walking and invisible bugs, loud nervous laughter and hey, it's those damn kids again!

the point (because one of us has to have one) is, there's no point wandering around ranger-spotting at midnight now because 1) we haven't even settled on/tried recalling the locations of our stations yet, 2) it's spring, a time when flowers bloom, young love blossoms, and no one is bloody having camp, and 3) the rangers are mobile too, ya dinks.

in the spirit of making things easier to understand here, what we essentially ended up doing was 1) blunder around arguing over which nameless building was "the mansion, the mansion... remember the mansion?" 2) realising that sentosa is not likely to be teeming with rangers aplenty in their dead month, and 3) probably completely missing any rangers that were on duty because, y'know, we're one tiny moving group!

i suppose i'm especially bitter because i was so tired the next day that i fell whilst riding and sustained a huge, throbbing bruise (not the way i like my huge and throbbings). on a more positive note though, i've been vindicated. during my last two riding lessons, two poor saps were unfortunate enough to pick the same bike i took my test on (yes, i recognise the accursed thing), and the exact same problem that caused me to fail plagued them both persistently too. so a great big phlbbbbt to all you Doubting Tutors... i mean, Thomases out there.

i've just started on my driving as well, and if there's anything more hateable than learner drivers while riding on a bike, it's learner drivers when driving in a car. why do these people persist in getting in my way? i mean, is it so hard to drive in a straight line? or not slam on your brakes everytime you approach a bend in the road or a junction where you have the right of way? or, i don't know, to pull your heads out of your collective asses and realise you're stradding two lanes? and driving so slow that old women on walkers are zipping by and cackling? in the immortal words of Widdle Wynette, i hate people.

in other immortal words from the aforementioned source, "don't have a life? simulate one!" hot damn i can't wait for the sims 2 to be released. check it out ("can an adult sim date a teen sim?"): i'll finally be able to satisfy my Hot Geriatric Male fantasies.

oh and i just know this'll be of interest to some of you - i bumped into Miss Priss the other day at the driving centre, with her panties all in a twist as always. all the better to hold that stick up her ass in, i guess.

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to everyone else who was there that night yet not up here:
i couldn't fit the long shots of all of us into a square, so i went with a flattering picture of me. and don't tell me you wouldn't have done the same.
oh rae, if you're reading this, ignore the above - it's because i like you best. really.

my christmas gift from the wonderful Snookums.
and in keeping with my disturbing tendency to want to have relations with inanimate objects, i think i want to marry this one and bear its little pink children.

harangue at gmail dot com




the crackpotslandofcockaignhooked

thanks to



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