Wednesday, October 20
1:08 am

debbie don't-give-a-damn

okay, so i might possibly owe some people an explanation.

as more careful readers may have already been able to discern, i've been having what may euphemistically be termed "relationship woes" (don't make me bust out the uncensored version). and even as my longtime friends mutter quietly, "so what's new?" i must clarify that the longer and by far more boring version of this tale ends with me residing in an entirely new area, heartache-wise, so i'll do just fine without the flippancy, thank you.

for the slower ones amongst you, this translates to fewer updates. why? because i have no intention of boring you silly with bitter rants and - oheavenforbid - maudlin poetry. trust me, you'll thank me sometime for sparing you the pointless ramblings from whatever seussian Waiting Place i've dug myself into in some dark hour of despair.

in the unlikely event that you really, really miss your dose of me (and are somehow denied access to my closest replacement, a spoonful of drain cleaner), check out the link to hooked, the nussu online rag i submit the occasional piece to. behold the magnanimity: i've chosen to continue writing despite having been told to dumb future submissions down ("uh, they thought it was too... deep"). prepare for a test of your devotion in trying to find my articles though, the layout's pretty... deep (ohh, you think i'm bitchy now, wait till i get started on the spelling and grammar in some of the other submissions).

anyhow, the loss of my rage buffer has manifested in quite the number of snippy exchanges. suffice to say, the beleaguered public transport-takers of singapore have been bearing great bruntage, though the nus law faculty has not been without its share of casualties.

ringing promotion of my social skills aside, there's no need to break out the can of petrina repellent (i can see you rolling your eyes and going, "if only," and i'm not amused) as yet. for the most part, i'm pretty civil - the vitriol is saved for the really lucky ones (and this is in no way an attempt to lull you into inviting me over for tea and sympathy. nope. not at all).

so let me just wrap up this point-free post by pointing out that many (TRINI), many (GRACE) people (BEL) owe me pictures and, despite my having heard a lot of promises, the gmail account remains resolutely picture-free. don't make me set Grinchy on y'all, folks - she's got a fat-measurer (Grinchy: "they're called 'skin-fold callipers'.") and she's not afraid to use it.

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Anonymous Anonymous 20 October 2004 at 04:05

hey pet, sorry to hear about the breakup. u can call me at any time, u know. let's have dinner soon. at triple 3 or something?



Blogger bedlamgirl 21 October 2004 at 23:07

thanks, hon. your treat? ;)
anytime after monday's good.




to everyone else who was there that night yet not up here:
i couldn't fit the long shots of all of us into a square, so i went with a flattering picture of me. and don't tell me you wouldn't have done the same.
oh rae, if you're reading this, ignore the above - it's because i like you best. really.

my christmas gift from the wonderful Snookums.
and in keeping with my disturbing tendency to want to have relations with inanimate objects, i think i want to marry this one and bear its little pink children.

harangue at gmail dot com




the crackpotslandofcockaignhooked

thanks to



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