Friday, December 24
4:57 pm

the gift of really great gifts

so i'm stoning by the laptop waiting for C to finish up with her church stuff so i can commence the hideously long drive to bedok reservoir, when Snookums calls and asks if i'm home, having driven over to pass me a surprise christmas gift and all.

so Snookums comes up, and insists on doing the whole blindfold thing because the present isn't wrapped. knowing as i do Snookums's predilection, despite barely being on the right side of thirty, for toy story merchandise, i clutch the heavy square box rather suspiciously.

a few agonising minutes later (during which i almost blindfoldedly cut my finger off. don't ask), the frikkin' shrinkwrap's finally off and i'm almost definitely sure that i will not be asked to star in ocean's thirteen.

okay, you know what? i'm going to cut to the chase because it was AN IPOD MINI! great restraint was needed here in order to curtail the endless number of exclamation marks i wanted to punch in so as to express my excitement! i settled for hitting the exclamation key once, but really hard, instead! thank goodness the key isn't spoilt! and did i mention that it's pink!

Snookums immediately starts apologising for the mini bit, knowing that i'd wanted a grownup ipod for the longest time but hell, Snookums, what you should've been apologising for was that you didn't invite me along to the mac store to pick the thing up with you. i missed seeing the stunned, envious stares of the billion people who waited till it was too late to order theirs? the weary, one-step-away-from-suicide-or-homicide-depending-on-how-much-medication-he's-remembered-to-take clerk, fending off the sudden, feral flood of questions as to how many other little pink ipod minis he's got hidden under there? the light of hope, dying in so many people's eyes? OH, COME ON!

and if you're reading this, Snookums, yes, yes you should've sold the thing off to the highest bidder and bought me the 60gig one. (i'm kidding. well, sorta.) oh and as long as we're pretending that you're reading this, i'm so sorry for the woefully inadequate gift i gave you.

oh, oh, and - i lied. i do want the prada holder.

aaaanyway. so i am now the proud owner of one of those little pink ipod minis, and despite the brief initial pang of shame at the incredible girliness of it all, i think i've gotten over it. i'm so far over it, in fact, that i'm 'fessing up - i've started talking to it. you're so pretty, you need a name!

(you're all welcome to buy me the batrillion dollars worth of accessories that this thing should but doesn't come with, by the way.)

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Anonymous Anonymous 26 December 2004 at 23:11

well... i see its not a crazy idea after all to suggest the prada holder... :)


Blogger bedlamgirl 28 December 2004 at 18:45

heh weeeelll... i thought about it, and i got over the guilt pretty quickly
there's this really pretty pink-flower-leather one i saw for seventy odd.
and oh! i bought the tattoo for the wheel. i think in total, the accessories may cost more than the thing itself.


Anonymous Anonymous 28 December 2004 at 23:28

Hey.. thought we are suppose to go together to get it ??


Blogger bedlamgirl 29 December 2004 at 00:18

haha well i only got the clear protection thing and the tattoo..waiting for you to meet me, my precious baby would've been scratched ten times over already! don't worry, there's still plenty to buy. WHEN are you going to be free
i still don't have a case.. although judging from the way i was drooling over the flower leather case i think they were going to give it to me for free out of sheer disgust



to everyone else who was there that night yet not up here:
i couldn't fit the long shots of all of us into a square, so i went with a flattering picture of me. and don't tell me you wouldn't have done the same.
oh rae, if you're reading this, ignore the above - it's because i like you best. really.

my christmas gift from the wonderful Snookums.
and in keeping with my disturbing tendency to want to have relations with inanimate objects, i think i want to marry this one and bear its little pink children.

harangue at gmail dot com




the crackpotslandofcockaignhooked

thanks to



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